Sap Transport Of Copies Steps


Sap transport of copies process

Sap Transport Of Copies Process

  1. Transport of copies is basically used for importing the Objects by combining many Transports to the Target system. This can be used for many other scenarios also. Imagine you create and release a few transports before setting up the target system and Landscape.
  2. Up to three transport requests are created, depending on the selected copy profile and the existing data. The transport request for texts is e.g. Only created if the source client contains customer texts.

Create Transport of Copy. In the dialog box that appears, select one or more transport requests and choose the Create pushbutton. For more information about how to create transports of copies in SAP Solution Manager, see Creating Transports of Copies. What is a Transport Request? Transport Requests (TRs) – is a kind of 'Container / Collection' of changes that are made in the development system.It also records the information regarding the type of change, the purpose of transport, request category and the target system. Select the option “Transport of copies” and click on ok as shown below. 3) After that one more pop up screen will come. Enter the short description and Select the Target and click on SAVE. 4) It will create the Transport of copies and you will be redirected to the next screen as shown below.


Sap Transport Of Copies Steps Involved

You can also execute this task from within a change document, from the Transport Management assignment block. In this case, you have to choose a transport requests from the list, and you do not have to navigate into the task list.

Sap Transport Of Copies Steps For Construction

To create a transport of copies from within a task list, proceed as follows:

  1. Call transaction /TMWFLOW/MAINTINST.

  2. On the relevant tab page for your project, select Display/Change Existing Task Lists for <Projects>.

    The system displays a list of the task lists whose status is Active (default setting). To select or activate cycles with other statuses, see Changing the Status of Task Lists.

  3. Click the task list for which you need to create a transport of copies.

  4. Under the task node of the development system, select Create Transport of Copies, and then start the action by choosing Execute task.

  5. In the dialog box that appears, select the original transport requests for which you want to create transports of copies.


    The following open transport requests are displayed:

    • From within a change document: all requests that are assigned to the change document

    • From within a maintenance cycle task list: all requests that are assigned to the CTS project connected to the maintenance cycle

    • From within an urgent change task list: all requests that are assigned to the urgent change

    After the transports of copies have been created, the maintenance cycle task list is displayed again.

  6. Check the status of your task. If you need more information about the task, check the application log in the Daily overview of the task list.